Studio IDE 2.0
1 Introduction
This Tutorial provides general recommendations how to create and build Solutions (Projects) in IW IDE.
It has to be used in conjunction with other IW IDE documentation and training materials.
2 Import Project
To import the Project click on File form the top menu. Select Import from drop-down menu:
Select directory with a Project to be imported:
Select the Project:
Imported Project is shown:
Imported Project is shown:
3 Create new Project
To create a new Project click on File –new:
Click on New Project:
Enter Project name and check Project properties:
Created Project is shown:
4 Import XSLT Templates
To import XSLT Templates click on File from the top menu. Select Import from the drop-down menu. Select File system from the pop-up window.
5 Create a new Transaction
Click on File from the top menu. Then click on New from drop-down menu.
Enter Transaction attributes
6 Create a Transaction Flow
Click on File from the top menu. Then click on New from drop-down menu.
Created Transaction Flow is shown:
7 Create First Transaction
Click on File from top menu. Click on New from drop-down menu
New Transaction Flow with first Transaction is shown:
Graphical diagram with new transaction Flow is shown:
8 Create next Transaction
To create next transaction click on Flow diagram. Click Next on the pop-up menu.
Next transaction will be shown on transaction Flow diagram:
9 Flow Parameters
To create a Parameter right click on Parameter list. Then click in New on the drop-down menu. The following screen will pop-up:
10 Create static Datamap
Select the Transaction. Enter parameters on selected transaction screen.
10.1 Create new Datamap
Right click on Data Maps on transaction screen and select New from the pop-up menu:
Enter initial parameters into Datamap
10.2 Create new Connection.
Click on Datamap name. On the Datamap screen create a new Connection.
Click on Save button to save a Connection. New Connection will appear on the data map screen:
10.3 Create Parameters in the Datamap
To enter parameters right mouse click on Parameter field. Enter Parameter attributes:
Click on Save button. Entered Parameter will appear on the screen:
11 Create XSLT Transformer
Select XSLT Template
11.1 Import DDl
Right click on Datamap which will contain new XSLT Transformer and Select Import, then DDL.
11.2 Mapping fields
Click on selected field and map it with corresponding variable using Map Fields icon:
11.3 Generate Transformer
To generate Transformer click on Generate Transformer con:
12 View generated Transformer
12.1 Putting new Transformer into dynamic Datamap
Select Transformer from Pre-Transformer drop-down list:
13 Configure Project
13.1 Configure Integration Manger
13.2 Configure Transformation Server
14 Build the Project
Click on build Project icon to build a Project:
Project is ready to be deployed: